
10:52 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

I am still alive...just have gotten caught up in work and hot weather. When living in Seattle, any time there is nice weather, I try to get outside and enjoy it. I love working in IT, however when I am staring at a screen for 9 hours a day at work, then come home and stare at either my phone screen or notebook screen...it gets a bit...screeny.

I've been trying to get better at skateboarding. Riding around on a board, not even trying to do leet tricks, is a blast. I can ollie at a stand still, and not very high. My current goal is to get comfortable enough with riding, speed, turning, and stopping before trying to do anything else but stand on the board while moving.

I hope to have more updates at a later time....you can currently find me on Instagram (CircuitsandCoffee) and see my pic of the day...until then!
