Need a tidier game room...

9:54 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

It's difficult when you collect something and have no nice system in place to store/display it. For me, it's video games (and books...and music...and computer stuff....). There isn't really one room I can completely take over/dedicate to video games, so there is a bit of spillover spanning two, maybe three rooms. One thing it can come down to is this: simple shelving.

Finding well-built shelves that do not waste real estate (ie deep shelves for dvd sized items) is hard. I did manage to find a few low profile shelves, however they do not stand well on carpet. My frequently used games go out on the main floor to accompany the 'home theater', while the remainder gets filed away into the 'music room'. Currently in here I have a couple of sturdy, deep shelves, and that's okay because they can hold a lot and are fairly tall. Unfortunately, this doesn't maximize the space, and you certainly can't see and get to everything.

I am not the only one who collects and enjoys video games. I recently came across an article where a guy has beautifully decorated and laid out one room. It is the best I have seen! He proves to the masses that you can collect something, display it in an aesthetically pleasing fashion, and have it easily accessible for anyone to use/play.

See more of what I am talking about here:

And the article/interview here:

Now excuse me while I take up woodworking so I can make some of those custom shelves...
